The Next New Thing

Suggest a new type of “new media” that doesn’t currently exist. Describe it.

A new type of “new media” that doesn’t currently exist that could exist in the near future is the possibility to vote either online or through a mobile app. With the primaries and elections currently at play, voter turn out is of utmost importance. Students like myself, among full time/part time employees, out of state students, and people who tend to have busier schedules on Tuesdays and Thursday and cannot make the time to put in their ballot would no longer have an excuse not to vote if this type of “new media” existed. This application should be made with the government, a few security firms and hackers to create the optimal product where votes cannot be rigged or hacked into. It should be created with a simple interface similar to making an in-person vote but with high security measures considering all the mishaps and misdemeanors made possible on the internet and technological devices. This form of “new media” would make voting practically inexcusable. Whether someone is study abroad, out of state, traveling or living out a packed schedule, simple logging on to a site or mobile applications would be hassle free and efficiently executed in a few minutes or less.

8 thoughts on “The Next New Thing

  1. With all of the time people complain that less and less people are voting, you’d think we’d have something like this already. We’re more than capable to figure out ways to make it unable to be tampered with, and in the future it this kind of process can be more secure than voting in person. It’s a great idea and I think this addresses one of the few things that just isn’t catching up with technology.

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  2. I think this would be a fantastic idea. As our generation is growing to be ever more tech savvy, we definitely need to adapt to the times. You’re absolutely right about scheduling. It would be more enticing to working professionals if one could vote via online/app on mobile phones. The security issue would also need to be escalated heavy as hackers can gain access to confidential information.

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